Pterodactyl Extra-Large:

The Flying Reptile! Had a wingspan longer than any known bird. The Pterodactyl had hollow bones, were lightly built, had almost no tail, and small bodies.
Size: 16 ft Wingspan.
Weight: 100 lbs.

Pterodactyl Large:

The Flying Reptile! Had a wingspan longer than any known bird. The Pterodactyl had hollow bones, were lightly built, had almost no tail, and small bodies.
Size: 11 ft Wingspan.
Weight: 40 lbs.

Apatosaurus Mom & Baby

The Harmless Giant! One of the largest land animals that ever existed. This plant eater wallowed leaves and other vegetation whole, without chewing them!
Mom – Size: 20 ft Long X 7.5 ft High. Weight: 300 lbs.
Baby – Size: 9 ft Long X 4 ft High. Weight: 85 lbs.

Oviraptor with nest:

The Egg Robber! Was a small, bird-like omnivorous dinosaur with a strangely shaped, parrot-like head and a short, toothless beak and extremely powerful jaws, built for crushing action.
Size: 13 ft Long X 3 ft High.
Weight 170 lbs.


The Spiny Lizard! The Spinosaurus was a carnivore with huge teeth and a powerful jaw. The huge sail above its body was used for regulating its temperature.
Size: 24 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 550 lbs.



The Heavy Claw! Had huge claws on its hands and a long, narrow, crocodile-like jaw with 96 small, serrated teeth.
Size: 20 ft Long X 5.6 ft High.
Weight: 500 lbs.

Young T-Rex:

A huge carnivore, the T-Rex was equipped with sharp, pointed teeth and a large, powerful jaw. Its hands were also equipped with long, sharp claws!
Size: 21 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 620 lbs.


King of the Tyrant Lizards. As the last great carnivore of the Cretaceous Period, the Tyrannosaurus rex was an efficient killer stalking the North American landscape.
Size: 40 ft Long X 18 ft High.
Weight: 3100 lbs.



A speedy, slender carnivore that had sharp claws and is well known from the Jurassic Park movies for its “spitting ability”. Can be hooked up to a water hose for this effect.
Size: 16 ft Long X 6 ft High.
Weight: 500 lbs.


Very smart, extremely fast pack hunters. The velociraptor had 80 very sharp, curved teeth and one large retractable claw on the middle toe of its feet. Size: 11 ft Long X 4.6 ft High.
Weight: 135 lbs.


The horned face! A rhinoceros like dinosaur, it has the largest known skull ever found for a land dwelling animal. Would charge at its enemy’s when threatened.
Size: 13 ft Long X 6 ft High.
Weight: 585 lbs.


The Meat Eating Bull! Most famous for its prominent pair of thorns on top of its head. This carnivore was extremely fast and had an immensely powerful jaw.
Size: 21 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 615 lbs.


The Hook Nosed Lizard! This herbivore was a genus of duckbilled dinosaur that lived about 75 million years ago.
Size: 21 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 615 lbs.


A herding animal, the Iguanodon was an ornithopod, whose intelligence was average for a dinosaur.
Size: 21 ft Long X 6 ft High.
Weight: 575 lbs.


A cousin of the Stegosaurus. This herbivore had even more spikes with 2 rows of plates and spikes on its back and spikes on its tail.
Size: 21 ft Long X 7.6 ft High.
Weight: 650 lbs.


A fast-running dinosaur with a very long, thin, flattened, toothless, horny beak, a small head, and a relatively large brain. The bottom of its beak was shaped like a shovel.
Size: 11 ft Long X 10 ft High.
Weight: 280 lbs.


Medium sized ornithopod dinosaur. It had an unusually long, broad tail, which like its back was stiffened with a network of bony tendons.
Size 21 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 615 lbs.


The Parrot Lizard. This fast moving herbivore had a narrow beak and horn like projections on its cheeks. It had four long fingers on each hand.
Size: 8 ft Long X 2.6 ft High.
Weight: 150 lbs.


Had a remarkably huge beak, long powerful legs, and large taloned feet suggesting that this dinosaur was a carnivore.
Size: 6.6 ft Long X 5 ft High.
Weight: 150 lbs.


Weighed up to a tonne, this dinosaur had a powerful neck, strong legs, and a barrel-shaped body. There are possible ecological and evolutionary parallels with the modern hippopotamus.
Size: 10 ft Long X 4.6 ft High.
Weight: 220 lbs.


A small, lightly built dinosaur that walked on two legs. It had a long pointed head with dozens of small serated teeth and three clawed fingers on its hand. Size: 10 ft Long X 4.6 ft High. Weight: 150 lbs.


Powerful jaw with a tail that is long and has plated thick skin. Has a unique body form that allows the eyes, ears, and nostrils to be above the water surface while most of the animal is hidden below.
Size: 10 ft Long X 1 ft High.
Weight: 100 lbs.


A cousin of the Stegosaurus, this dinosaur had bony, rounded plates along its back and 4 bony spikes at the tip of its tail.
Size: 23 ft Long X 8.6 ft High.
Weight: 700 lbs.


A tank-like armored dinosaur. Large bony plates with additional horn-like coverings protected the ankylosaurus from predators.
Size: 20 ft Long X 6 ft High.
600 lbs.


A sailed back , meat eating dinosaur with sharp teeth and clawed feet. The sail was used to absorb and release heat as well as for mating rituals.
Size: 10 ft Long X 3.6 ft High.
Weight: 180 lbs.


One of the tallest and largest dinosaurs. It had a long neck, small head, and relatively short, thick tail. The brachiosaurus was an herbivore whose intelligence among the lowest of the dinosaurs.
Size: 40 ft Long X 20 ft High.
Weight: 2500 lbs.


Had a hollow, bony crest on top of its long head in the shape of a helmet flattened on the sides. It walked on two legs, had short arms, and a long, heavy tail. It had no natural defenses.
Size: 21 ft Long X 7 ft High.
Weight: 615 lbs.

Dakota Raptor:

Feathered Raptor with long arms and long rear legs with a very large sickle claw on the second toe used to kill its prey.
Size: 17 ft Long X 5 ft High.
Weight: 400 lbs.


A relative of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. This dinosaur walked on two legs and had a large head with sharp, saw-toothed teeth. It had two-fingered hands on short arms.
Size: 16 ft Long X 5 ft High.
Weight: 400 lbs.


Known for its distinctive hollow cranial crest that resembled a hatchet. Had pebbly-textured skin and webbed fingers. Its sight and hearing were keen, but it had no natural defenses.
Size: 16 ft Long X 6 ft High.
Weight: 550 lbs.


Mainly lived in the ocean. This dinosaur had a wide flat body, short tail, and long neck that could bend very far. Had long sharp teeth used to eat fish.
Size: 15 ft Long X 4.6 ft High.
Weight: 350 lbs


The Ostrich Mimmic! Had a long neck and a small head with a toothless horny beak. It ran in herds and was a very fast runner.
Size: 11.6 ft Long X 5 ft High.
Weight: 300 lbs.


A rather small dinosaur, it was versatile being able to move both bipedally and quadupedally. It was an omnivore.
Size: 16 ft Long X 6 ft High.
Weight: 500 lbs.


The Dragon King! Had a heavily armored flat skull with spiky horns, bumps, and a long muzzle. This dinosaur was an herbivore.
Size: 10 ft Long X 4.6 ft High.
Weight: 220 lbs.


The Madagascar Lizard! A two-footed carnivore with a short snout, short forelimbs, and long large hind legs. Its thick skull and rounded corner on the top of its head make it unique.
Size: 13 ft long X 4 ft High.
Weight: 220 lbs.
